GSF Seminar: ‘One Year On: Turmoil And Transition – The Arab Uprisings And The Path Ahead’ – Wednesday 14th March 2012

GSF hosted a seminar in the House of Lords entitled ‘One Year On: Turmoil And Transition – The Arab Uprisings And The Path Ahead’, which was opened by the Rt Hon Alan Duncan MP, Minister for International Development.

On 14th March 2012, Global Strategy Fo184_rotaterum held the above seminar in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords, under the chairmanship of Lord Lothian, Chairman of GSF.

The speakers were:
Dr Maha Azzam, Associate Fellow, Chatham House;
Sir Richard Dalton KCMG, Former UK Ambassador to Iran and Libya;
Rt Hon Alan Duncan MP, Minister of State for International Development;
Ms Lindsey Hilsum, International Editor, Channel 4 News;
Dr. Eugene Rogan, Fellow, Middle East Centre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford;
Rt Hon Jack Straw MP, Former Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary and Justice Secretary;

Lord Williams of Baglan, former UN Under-Secretary of State and Special Coordinator for the Middle East and Lebanon.

A synopsis of the seminar is available here and the Seminar Programme can be downloaded here.







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